Category Archives: Why Does Amazon Ban Sellers

Amazon Account Banned – How You Can Save Your Business

With over two billion monthly site visitors, Amazon leads the pack. The trend is not looking to change anytime soon.

With recent technological advancements and faster internet speeds, online business is booming with sales always improving. Sellers have however been on the receiving end of the much-dreaded account suspensions brought about by strict regulations. Many users have reported having their Amazon accounts suspended due to various reasons. An Amazon account suspension is one of the worst things that can happen to your online business. Continue reading Amazon Account Banned – How You Can Save Your Business

Amazon Cracking Down On Counterfeit Goods By Suspending Sellers

Amazon has started cracking down sales of counterfeit goods by suspending and banning thousands of sellers every month. Unforuntuneltey in some cases unjustified. 


Online sellers that specialize in the sale of items from reputable brands like Apple, Reebok or even the popular Disney brand have to prove legitimate invoices that indicate that they have purchased at least 35 items within the last three months. Continue reading Amazon Cracking Down On Counterfeit Goods By Suspending Sellers

Amazon Account Suspended For Selling Inauthentic Item – What To Do Next?

Your Amazon account can be suspended or even terminated for several reasons. Some of the most common ones include breaking Amazon policies or even having multiple accounts.


One can see the fairness of losing an account due to either of these reasons. But one of the most contentious reasons for which you can lose your account is if you are accused of selling counterfeit goods. Continue reading Amazon Account Suspended For Selling Inauthentic Item – What To Do Next?

Here Is Why Amazon Banned Your Seller Account

We e-commerce sellers had a great last few years with Amazon, not going to lie. The sales continued to set its own peek, until recently.


Along with the increase in sales, there’s also been a steady increase in the number of Amazon account suspensions – and that’s definitely not a step in the right direction.

I have been personally using Amazon for years now. By now, I suppose you can call me a veteran. I have battle-scars to prove – piles of frozen money and innumerable account limitations. Not too long ago, I had thousands frozen in my Amazon’s seller account and that is when it dawned on me that I am not the only one in this position. At that moment, I thought it would be great to write a blog post on this matter, just to make sure no one else needs to go through this tyranny. Continue reading Here Is Why Amazon Banned Your Seller Account