Banned For Poor Selling Performance

Around three months ago I quit my boring office job and started to sell full-time on Amazon.

It was really exciting time because I felt for the first time that I could escape 9-5 slavery. My business model it was very simple I used AliExpress in China to fulfill all my orders I received.

Before my Amazon account got suspended, I was fully aware that this was not the perfect solution as some items had a delivery time of 4-5 weeks. But the profit margins I could achieve were huge. For example I could sell one iPhone charging cable for $10 even I only paid less than $.70 including shipping to my buyer.

Did Amazon suspend your account?
Amazon insider reveals a little-known technique on how to get your banned account reinstated - and how you can easily and safely open a new Amazon account.

I made more down for 4K profit every month until Amazon suspended and banned my account from ever selling again. The reason Amazon gave me for the suspension was poor selling performance inauthentic goods. I was deeply shocked that Amazon would suspend my account like this. I have to admit that there were a couple of buyers who complained about the long shipping times from China. However, I did not think that this would be such a big issues that could lead Amazon suspending my selling privileges indefinitely.My feedback score was not perfect but I still had more than 98% positive feedbacks. I always clearly stated in all my listing that delivery would take around 4 to 5 weeks, but I assume that some buyers did not read my product descriptions in full.

My selling performance was not too bad for my account suspension, as I was pretty close to targets set out by Amazon. I was planning to exceed my key performance selling targets within a couple of months. I even was in contact with my personal Amazon seller account manager and he told me I should not worry ‘just make sure you are within those targets within a couple of months’.

So I felt very safe that even Amazon told me that if I meet those targets within the reasonable amount of time I would be fine. That’s why I was so shocked that my Account got suspended overnight without any warnings.

The first thing I did was to call my Amazon seller account manager, he just told me don’t worry we will get your account reinstated very fast.

He explained that some automatic algorithm used by Amazon triggered my account suspension and that he would start working right away to override the ban and get my account reinstated within a couple of hours.

I felt so relieved that even Amazon confirmed that my seller account suspension was a mistake and that I would get my account reinstated very fast.

After the first day passed and nothing happened I decided to call Amazon again to ask why it takes so long to get my account reinstated. I was told that they are still working on it and it should not take more than one day until my inventory and all my listings would show up again on Amazon marketplace.

At this point, I started to panic because it took so much longer to get my Amazon selling privileges reinstated than I thought. It was a very difficult time for me because my entire lifestyle was under threat and I felt that there was a realistic chance that I needed to start looking for a regular job.

After one week it became clear to me that Amazon lied to me and then they would not reinstate my seller account again. I thought the best solution might be to try to open a new seller account and start over all again. I’ve tried around 30 times to open new seller accounts, but all of my new accounts got suspended every time.

At this point I really got desperate and I started to search online on how to “get back to selling on Amazon” after they have suspended your account.

There seem to be some solutions available such as that beat ‘Beat Amazon suspension’ Guide. I followed all the steps in this manual and I was back sailing within 3 days. It seemed to have worked for, but I can not guarantee it will for everyone.

If you were Amazon account has been suspended please leave a comment below and share your experience with us.


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